Fixed, small and lightweight with 40x zoom
High quality color imaging
Lightweight (2.4kg)
Powerful 40x optical zoom
TID > 1000 Gy
Dose rate: 100 Gy/h
Radiation exposure Sensors
24/7 monitoring in any environment
The RADCAM® ÆSIR, ISEC’S newly developed analog camera for radioactive areas made for analog infrastructure. This unique analog radiation hardened camera is specially designed for existing nuclear analog systems. It is fixed, small and lightweight with 40x optical zoom capabilities.
Niche applications

Pressure Water Reactor
- Emergency response
- Special surveillance
applications - Long range surveillance
- Upgrade of existing
Pan-Tilt outstation

Boiling Water Reactor
- Emergency response
- Special surveillance
applications - Long range surveillance
- Upgrade of existing
Pan-Tilt outstation

Heavy Water Reactor
- Emergency response
- Special surveillance
applications - Long range surveillance
- Upgrade of existing
Pan-Tilt outstation

Nuclear Back-End
- Emergency response
- Special surveillance
applications - Long range surveillance
- Upgrade of existing
Pan-Tilt outstation
Key features
- High quality color imaging
- Very compact and robust design
- Lightweight (2.4 kg)
- Powerful 40x optical zoom
- TID > 1000 Gy
- Dose rate: 100 Gy/h
- Low and high temperatures (-25°C to 60°C)
- Simple Cabling Coax + Power supply + RS-485
- IP65 housing
- Radiation Exposure sensors

Special applications